Friday, December 27, 2019

Assisted Suicide And The United States - 2826 Words

In today’s society it is taught that life is a precious gift and to cherish every second that is allowed, but what if it is full of endless pain and misery? Starting hundreds of years ago in Ancient Greece up until modern times with Doctor Kevorkian, physician-assisted suicide, and euthanasia are all highly debated topics that cause both legal and moral dilemmas, but provide patients with benefits such as financial and pain relief. Assisted suicide should be legalized in the United States to prevent pain and suffering for the patients and their families. Cultures around the world have been using assisted suicide to provide an easy and painless death for hundreds of years. â€Å"Euthanasia,† a term created by Suetonius, is two greek words â€Å"Eu†¦show more content†¦They were big buildings that were equipped with gas chambers, crematoriums, mortuaries, and rooms to dissect and remove all valuables that were missed in earlier collection. Historians speculate t his is what started the endemic of assisted suicide in modern times. Hitler started what was know as the â€Å"Euthanasia Program† in which the term was changed from â€Å"Good Death† to mass murder of the Jewish people, Gypsies and the handicapped people of Germany and ultimately started the Holocaust. Hitler wanted to kill off the people that he did not think were worthy of life. Doctor Jack Kevorkian was the subject of the most recent assisted suicide debates. Dr. Death, as he was later called, was a pathologist who was convicted of murder for helping his patients in the act of physician-assisted suicide. He was always interested in death and dying and wanted to help his patients go peacefully instead of suffering. He had, what he called, a suicide machine set up in an old van and would drive around, at people’s requests, to assist them in killing themselves. Kevorkian was tried multiple times for murder, but pleaded not guilty until 1999, when the court show ed a video of him providing Thomas Youk with lethal doses of drugs. Although most people think there is only one type of euthanasia there are actually multiple such as â€Å"Terminal Sedation,† in which drugs are

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